
Partner with Barnardos

Together we can have a profound impact on the lives of vulnerable Australian children.

Corporate support and collaboration is vital to Barnardos and the children we help

Your support allows us to deliver creative and impactful partnerships with exclusive benefits that allow you to connect with your community while considering your commercial, Corporate Social Responsibility, staff and client objectives.

Contact our partnerships team to see how your organisation can get involved.


Impacts for your organisation


Increase affinity for your brand,
impact perceptions and better
brand positioning

Employee engagement

Foster employee engagement and buy-in through unique and meaningful volunteering and fundraising opportunities


Build community engagement
through authentic and impactful corporate social responsibility


Provide a compelling backdrop for brand storytelling through authentic content and other marketing opportunities

New audiences

Reach new audiences
to increase your own brand


An opportunity for your brand
to have positive media impact and
PR media coverage

Latest corporate news

Special Christmas Party and AMF

Special Christmas Party and AMF

Volunteers from the Australian Mutuals Foundation accompanied children from Barnardos Australia to the 2023 Sydney Special Children’s Christmas Party.

Auburn Christmas Party 2023

Auburn Christmas Fair

The team at our Auburn Centre welcomed over one hundred children and parents to the Auburn Christmas Fair last week.

Barnardos Amazing Race

The Barnardos Amazing Race 2023

Last Friday, teams from Prime Video and Barnardos Australia went head-to-head to compete in the inaugural Barnardos Amazing Race event.

HSBC Christmas Party 2023

HSBC Christmas Party

Each year HSBC organises a wonderful Christmas party for the children from our Barnardos Yurungai Learning Centre - and this year was no different!


How can you contribute

Corporate donation

Support Barnardos simply by making a donation. Read how AMF help support children in need.

Employee fundraising

Raise money for Barnardos at your workplace and raise funds for vulnerable children and families. Motivate your staff and transform an ordinary workday into an event to remember

Workplace Giving

Support Barnardos’ programs directly from your payroll, receiving immediate pre-tax benefit

Staff engagement

We offer a variety of unique and fun ways to engage your staff, enhance their skills and support our programs. Find out how HSBC are giving back.

Cause-related marketing

Market your product or service for mutual benefit, with a percentage of revenue donated to Barnardos.
See how Prime and Floraly bring
this to life.

Event sponsorship

Support our events and receive exclusive benefits, brand awareness, PR and marketing opportunities and other benefits of association. Sponsor the Barnardos Amazing Race.

We want to say thank you to our corporate partners for their generous support in helping children in need. Take a look and see who’s on board with us.

Our partners

Get in touch