Barnardos Australia complaints policy
We take all complaints very seriously.
We acknowledge everyone’s right to express their opinion about our services.
We will provide clients and the community with the opportunity to influence the way Barnardos works through meaningful engagement.
We will provide an opportunity for concerns to be raised and addressed in ways that ensure fairness, accountability and transparency.
No client will lose services, face threatened or actual retribution, or be disadvantaged in any way because they have made a complaint to Barnardos.
Complaints provide valuable feedback about the level of satisfaction with Barnardos services.
We are committed to resolving complaints at the earliest opportunity, in a way that respects and values a person’s feedback.
We receive complaints not only about the actions of our staff, but also the actions of our partner organisations. Where our services our contracted, we expect our partners (subcontracted service providers) to have an accessible and comprehensive complaint management system.
You can find our Complaints Policy here and general information about Barnardos here.
If you wish to make a comment / complaint or feedback to Barnardos
please download and fill out this form and return to:
Barnardos Australia, GPO Box 9996, Sydney, NSW, 2001
or if you prefer email complaints@barnardos.org.au