
Our trusts and foundations partners

Together we can provide essential services, ensuring vulnerable children and families thrive.

Join us in creating a brighter future for vulnerable Australian children.

Barnardos connects vulnerable children to vital services to recover and thrive. When children receive the right support, we know they can reach their full potential. Our partnerships with trusts and foundations help give children a voice and deliver impactful services.

We invite you to join us in developing shared opportunities that meet your priorities and contribute in a meaningful way. Explore the many programs through which we support and empower children, youth and families.


Making a difference together

Standing up for the hidden victims

Nielsen Foundation

Public awareness around domestic and family violence (DFV) in Australia has increased but child victims remain ignored in the public conversation. The fact is the majority of DFV victims are children and the impact is long-lasting. Learn more about our DFV advocacy.

Since 2020, the Neilson Foundation have provided a generous annual grant to support more than 250 families experiencing DFV. This support provides emergency housing for those escaping domestic violence, essential items and access to counselling.

You are true champions for children and we greatly value your support.

Compassion in a crisis

James N. Kirby Foundation

The James N. Kirby Foundation have generously supported Barnardos Australia since 1989, gifting over $524,000 towards programs and services. This has had a significant impact to the lives of many vulnerable Australians.

In October 2020, their $50,000 donation provided much-needed support to children, young people and parents affected by domestic and family violence, caused or exacerbated by the COVID-19 crisis.

We extend our sincere gratitude for your unwavering support over the past 30 years.

Turning lives around

John Barnes Foundation

Since 2012, our Beyond Barbed Wire program in regional NSW has been supporting women during their incarceration and post-release.

A media story in May 2018 caught the attention of philanthropist John Barnes who decided to fund our program for $75,000. This supplemented the small amount of existing government funding, allowing consolidation and expansion in order to reach more mothers and create a safe future for their children.

We are so grateful to have such amazing support.

Providing permanency and a
sense of identity

Andrew Pratten Charitable Trust

Barnardos Out-of-Home Care offers open adoption
for children while preserving connections with their
birth families.

The Andrew Pratten Charitable Trust’s multi-year commitment to helping children live better lives supports between 20-25 adoption cases annually.

We are grateful to Trust which provides adoption opportunities to Australia’s most vulnerable children – so they can have the chance to achieve their brightest future.


Our current supporters

We thank the following trusts and foundations for their support of our programs which is integral to our success.

Andrew Pratten
Charitable Trust

James N Kirby Foundation

John Barnes

The Fred P Archer
Charitable Trust

DOOLEYS Lidcombe Catholic Club
Matana Foundation
Property Industry Foundation Logo

Nielsen Foundation

The Snow Foundation

TG & JM Matthews

The Corio Foundation

J E Skinner Endowment

The Walter & Eliza Hall Trust

Walter Campbell
Memorial Trust

Club Burwood RSL

ATS Charitable

The Clark Family

The Teen Spirit
Charitable Foundation

Cumberland City Council
Hands Across Canberra Logo and Chief Minister's Charitable Fund Logo

Danks Trust

Enquire about becoming a trusts and foundations partner

Send a message below or email Retha Howard

Enquire about becoming a trusts and foundations partner

Send a message below or email Retha Howard