
What you told us

The 2024 Barnardos Supporter Survey results are in.

Sent in January to more than 4,000 supporters and with an above-average response rate validating our sample’s representation, the data collected provided pertinent insights about our supporters, their motivations and their preferences. Receiving honest feedback about us as an organisation is crucial and we are pleased to share that, overall, feedback was very positive with many respondents taking this opportunity to congratulate the work that we do on a daily basis.

We thank each and every one of them for having taken the time to fill in this survey, as a Champion for Children, their voice matters!

Highlights from what our supporters told us include:

  • Over 98% of respondents feel their donations are making an impact on improving the lives of vulnerable children, young people and families. This was also the motivation given for supporting Barnardos, more than for any other reasons.
  • The areas of our work which are of most interest are: supporting abused and neglected children, including those exposed to domestic violence and/or experiencing homelessness, to heal from their trauma.
  • 89% of respondents are satisfied with the overall quality of our communications with them.
  • For those who follow us on social media, Facebook is the most popular platform.
  • More than 90% of respondents are aware they can leave a gift to Barnardos in their Will.
  • The single most common comment made was “Keep up the good work”.
  • Many comments received were about a personal connection to Barnardos or why they first started supporting our charity, such as “I support Barnardos as I was introduced to them in Infants and Primary School.”

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