
Easter with Family Support Cranebrook

On Thursday 6th April, our Family Support program at Penrith Children’s Family Centre (Cranebrook) held their yearly Easter event and decided to go even bigger this year!

We invited Sweet Peas Cranebrook Childcare and Penrith Council Tamara Children’s Centre to our morning tea as well as the children and families currently working with our Family Support & Intensive Family Preservation teams.

We were extremely lucky to also have some amazing volunteers from the Australian Mutual Bank with one being lucky enough to star as the Easter Bunny!! Lots of photos and fun was had while they searched out playground for easter eggs and goodies!

There were lots of arts and craft activities that the teams put together for everyone on the day, this mixed with lots of yummy food made for an egg-ravagant event with heaps of kids enjoying the fun as well as the adults.

Easter with Family Support Cranebrook


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