Have you planned your end-of-year celebration?
The Barnardos Amazing Race is an alternative to the traditional end-of-year get together and a unique way to gather your friends or colleagues to have fun, all whilst supporting vulnerable children and families.
The Barnardos Amazing Race will take place on the 27th November in Sydney.
All proceeds raised from the event will support Barnardos programs and services, which provide assistance to children and families impacted by the devastating effects of domestic violence, such as isolation, financial instability, mental health issues and homelessness.
This year we invite you to participate in the Barnardos Amazing Race, as a way to support families escaping DFV, empower survivors, normalise the conversation and give children a voice.
- Anonymous contributor, Barnardos Domestic Family Violence Research Report
Barnardos client and her son, Domestic Family Violence survivors
More information on Barnardos Domestic and Family Violence advocacy and awareness can be found here.