
Barnardos wear Red for National FASD Awareness Month

Barnardos workers at Warrawong will be wearing red shoes on September 9 as part of the Red Shoes Rock campaign to mark International FASD Awareness Day. 

FASD stands for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. It is a lifelong disability that affects the brain and body of people who were exposed to alcohol during fetal development (pregnancy). FASD Day is held on the 9th day of the 9th month to highlight the importance of going alcohol-free during the full 9 months of pregnancy.

FASD shows itself differently for each person, but signs of FASD can include difficulty regulating emotions, sleep disorders, impulsive or risk-taking behaviours, learning difficulties, problems with language, memory, attention and reasoning, challenges understanding and learning from past mistakes or consequences and difficulty making and keeping friends.

Red Shoes Rock is a global awareness campaign giving voice and support to people affected by prenatal alcohol exposure. We’re encouraging Australians to wear red shoes or red socks throughout the month, to spark conversations and create understanding about this largely invisible and preventable disability.

Despite being one of Australia’s most frequent neurodevelopmental disabilities (impacting more people than Autism, Cerebral Palsy, and Down Syndrome combined), FASD is often overlooked by community members and leaders alike. This campaign hopes to shine light on this hidden disability and promote action to address it.

Maria Corsiglia, South Coast Children’s Centre Manager explains “FASD is a complex health and social issue. Everyone has to play a part in advocating for and making change to support people with FASD and healthy pregnancies. Barnardos is proud to lead the charge.”

Maria adds “No alcohol is safest during pregnancy. If you’re pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or at risk for an unplanned pregnancy, experts recommend you go alcohol free.”

Barnardos is proud to be a long-standing provider of substance use in pregnancy services in the Wollongong region, providing non-judgemental and impactful support for pregnant woman. We encourage pregnant women who would like support to reach out to support services who can help.

Interview with Dr Rosa O’Flaherty, Executive Leader of Child and Family and Support, Barnardos South Coast. ABC Illawarra • Nick Rheinberger • FM Radio • 09 Sep 2024, 10:08 am

Mornings at 10:08 a.m. – Isentia (

Barnardos wear Red for National-FASD Awareness Month


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