
Solar Power Project Launch at Yurungai Learning Centre

Last week we celebrated the launch of our new Solar Power Project at the Yurungai Learning Centre. New solar panels have been installed at our Head Office and various centres as part of our commitment to a net zero future. This milestone event was a great success as we were joined by representatives from Pingala, who have played a pivotal role in this project, and the honourable City of Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore, AO.
We also had the pleasure of hearing from the children at Yurungai – Australia’s future generation. Three students shared dreamtime stories about the sun and drawings of their ‘dream solar home’ which they created at a learning session with Pingala. Their impressive designs included house appliances powered by the sun – plus a solar powered helicopter! A massive thank you to everyone involved, projects such as this are incredibly important for Barnardos, as we continue to create a brighter future for future generations.

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