
National Redress Scheme

As previously announced in June 2018 Barnardos Australia is currently in the process of joining the Australian National Redress Scheme for Survivors of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse. The system for joining the Scheme is extensive, and we still have some steps to go within the joining process – this is why Barnardos is not yet listed on the National Redress Scheme website. We are also in discussions with Barnardo’s UK with a view to them joining into our application, in order to ensure that anyone who has ever been in care with us in Australia has access to the Scheme. Once all the necessary steps have been completed Barnardos name will be added to the Redress Scheme website (searchable at ).

In the meantime, and as stated on that website, individuals can make an application for Redress however their application cannot be assessed until all the necessary joining steps have been completed. Once that occurs Barnardos name will appear on the Australian Redress Scheme website, and applications will be able to be processed.


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