Susan Heward-Belle
Director since 2024
Susan has a sustained track record of research, teaching, advocacy and social work practice at the intersections of the family violence, law and child protection systems. Her work is concerned with improving legal, policy and practice responses that centre dignity for victim-survivors and accountability for people who use violence and coercive control.
She is engaged in providing interdisciplinary education for judicial officers, family law practitioners, police, child protection, medical and allied health practitioners. Susan leads multiple large research projects that contribute to knowledge for improved policy and practice responses to survivors of domestic, family and sexualised violence.
Susan is currently a Professor of Social Work and Director of the Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (MSW [Q]) program at the University of Sydney.
Qualifications: PhD, BSW, MSW, Graduate Certificate in Advanced Higher Education Teaching, Fellow UK Higher Education Academy
Responsibilities: Member of the Governance Committee, the Service Excellence and Safety Committee and Board Visitor to Penrith Children’s Family Centre and the Auburn Children’s Family Centre.