What’s the change YOU would make for a child experiencing poverty?


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What’s the change YOU would make for a child experiencing poverty?


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Hear what our child and family workers would change

Anna brand campaign

We asked our caseworkers, what would you change for a child experiencing poverty?

I want children to not worry about big people’s problems—not worry about finances, not worrying about where the food is coming from. I want them to know that their day will be the same today, tomorrow, and the next.

I’d want every child to feel like they have a safe person to talk to and not feel like they weren’t alone.

A safe space where they can talk about how they feel without feeling like they will be judged or will be punished for what they say.

One thing I would love to change for children experiencing poverty would be that people ask them about what’s happened to them and not what’s wrong with them. Sometimes, what kids have had to survive and what kids have been through gets missed. That can sometimes mean that kids take on a perception that there’s something wrong with them.

I want children to feel safe and connected, to know where they are, what’s happening today, what’s happening tomorrow, and that they belong.

I think for all children to have access to support and to have their voices heard. If we could start there, that all children are seen and all children are given the same opportunities.

When I hear feedback from families and from parents and they say, “I just felt like I wasn’t alone anymore,” that is for me the most motivating thing for me.


I definitely got into this work because it just seemed that in a small way, every single day I can make someone’s life better. And I can’t see any better way to spend your life.

So I see a lot of value in helping those families find their feet, where they have no one and no one to rely on or trust.

Society keeps changing. The rules keep changing. You know just when you think you have got it something changes. You don’t need to hold someone’s hand forever. You just  need to help them through the middle challenges in life.

In our work, it’s important that we often work with parents, but also for the children. We always talk about how we can give children a voice, how they can be seen, and how we can listen to their wants, needs, and challenges so we can provide them with the best support.





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Each newsletter you will be inspired by stories of our champions who are creating brighter futures for children and families

To find out more about reducing the impact of poverty on Australian children, read our
Making children visible snapshot report here.


*AIHW: Australia’s Children Homelessness report 2022.  ^ACOSS: Poverty in Australia 2023.  ** YouGov Survey 2024 Commissioned by Barnardos Australia. ^^NSW 2023 Cost of Living Crisis Report: Barely Hanging On – UTS and NCOSS, Inequality in Australia: Insights from the Life Chances Study 1990-2024

Safe housing

We agree every child needs a safe home – families shouldn’t have to choose
between eating or paying the rent.

We agree every child needs a safe home – families shouldn’t have to choose between eating or paying rent.

Children make up 17% of
the homeless population*.

Children make up 17% of the
homeless population*.

The lack of affordable housing means more families with children are
living in cars or in overcrowded and unsafe accommodation. 

The lack of affordable housing means more families with children are living in cars or in overcrowded and unsafe accommodation. 

How Barnardos helps

We support families with children to find safe, transitional accommodation and provide household essentials and financial counselling. We help upskill parents to obtain employment and gain a rental history so they can find a long-term home to rent.


Help with everyday

Help parents find

How Barnardos helps

We support families with children to find safe, transitional accommodation and provide household essentials and financial counselling. We help upskill parents to obtain employment and gain a rental history so they can find a long-term home to rent.

o Safe accommodation
o Help with everyday essentials
o Help parents find employment

You can help too! A simple gift today can provide safe housing for a child tomorrow.

Help with bills

We agree that children should not have to worry about bills and finances.

We agree that children should not have to worry about bills and finances.

90% of Australians agree that the rising cost-of-living
crisis is pushing more families into poverty.**

90% of Australians agree that the
rising cost-of-living crisis is pushing
more families into poverty.**

When families are unable to pay bills and face homelessness, their children may
find it difficult to concentrate in class
or simply stop attending school.

When families are unable to pay bills and face homelessness, their children may find it difficult to concentrate in class or simply stop attending school.

How Barnardos helps

We help families pay for things like electricity and water by offering financial assistance. Plus, we aim to break the cycle of poverty by teaching families how to budget and set up affordable payment plans to help them get out of debt.

Help with paying

Help with setting
up payment plans

Teaching how
to budget

How Barnardos helps

We help families pay for things like electricity and water by offering financial assistance. Plus, we aim to break the cycle of poverty by teaching families how to budget and set up affordable payment plans to help them get out of debt.

o Help with paying bills
o Help with setting up
payment plans
o Teaching how to budget

You can help too! A simple gift today can help towards utility bills for a family.

Food and medicine

Yes we agree that no child should have to worry about where their next meal is coming from.

Yes we agree that no child should have to worry about where their next meal is
coming from.
57% of households reported going without either food, essential hygiene items, healthcare or medication.^

57% of households reported going without either food, essential hygiene items, healthcare or medication.^

In NSW, the number of households skipping meals has risen by 30% since 2022.^^ Research shows that 90% of single parents have gone without essentials^^ to ensure they can feed their children.
Not having breakfast or lunch can make it difficult for children to concentrate in class.

In NSW, the number of households skipping meals has risen by 30% since 2022.^^ Research shows that 90% of single parents have gone without essentials^^ to ensure they can feed their children. Not having breakfast or lunch can make it difficult for children to concentrate in class.

How Barnardos helps

In addition to our food banks, we offer food hampers and vouchers to local families through our Children’s Family Centres. Our Breakfast Clubs offer breakfast and lunch, cover transportation to and from school, and provide after-school activities, giving children the best chance to learn and thrive.



Food hampers
and vouchers

How Barnardos helps

In addition to our food banks, we offer food hampers and vouchers to local families through our Children’s Family Centres. Our Breakfast Clubs offer breakfast and lunch, cover transportation to and from school,
and provide after-school activities
giving children the best chance to
learn and thrive.

o Food banks
o Breakfast clubs
o Food hampers and vouchers

You can help too! A simple gift today can help provide breakfast for a child.

Education support

We agree kids should be focused on learning and having fun, not worrying about
having the right uniform or shoes to fit in.

We agree kids should be focused on learning and having fun, not worrying about having the right uniform or shoes to fit in.

Poverty negatively impacts
a child’s education.

Poverty negatively impacts
a child’s education.

When children lack school supplies such as uniforms, books, and stationery, they often feel embarrassed and isolated. This can make them reluctant to go to school.

When children lack school supplies such as uniforms, books, and stationery, they often feel embarrassed and isolated.
This can make them reluctant
to go to school.

How Barnardos helps

We help families by offering playgroups and early learning centres so young children can socialise and learn. We work with schools to make sure kids get the basics they need, which helps them feel like they belong. Our Homework Clubs give kids a safe place to do their homework and try new activities that their families might not be able to afford.

Playgroups & early
learning centres

Tutoring and


How Barnardos helps

We help families by offering playgroups and early learning centres so young children can socialise and learn. We work with schools to make sure kids get the basics they need, which helps them feel like they belong. Our Homework Clubs give kids a safe place to do their homework and try new activities that their families might not be able to afford.

o Playgroups and early
learning centres
o Tutoring and mentoring
o Homework clubs

You can help too! A simple gift today can help supply a child with uniforms and books.