
Barnardos Application to join the National Redress Scheme lodged

We are pleased to publicly announce that the Barnardos Australia and Barnardo’s UK group application to join the National Redress Scheme has been lodged. The process of negotiation to reach this point has been ongoing since June last year when it was first discussed by Directors, followed by discussions with Barnardos’s UK. Barnardos Australia will act as agent for Barnardo’s UK in all administrative arrangements for those accessing the Redress Scheme.

If you would like to speak with us directly about our application please contact
Barnardos Australia AfterCare on (02) 9218 2300 or via email to

The Australian Government Redress Scheme can be contacted directly via their website
Redress Support Services are available to help people understand the Scheme, provide emotional support and guide people through the application process.


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