Our commitment to sustainability

Our Penrith and South Coast Children’s Family Centres are growing kitchen gardens, giving children, young people, and families the opportunity to get their hands dirty and develop an appreciation of fresh, seasonal food.

The Penrith Centre also has chickens! A fun way to get the kids involved and teach them about responsibility. By educating families about sustainable living, not only are we encouraging healthy food choices, but we are also highlighting how growing your own food can be cost-effective, especially during a time where many vulnerable families are struggling with the cost-of-living crisis.

More recently, Barnardos was the proud recipient of a CitySwitch Champion Award for our efforts in recycling and reducing waste. While there were many organisations at the ceremony that received this award, Barnardos was the only charity amongst the recipients. A great recognition of the work we have been doing across the organisation with our sustainability initiatives.

The bigger picture here is about working towards building resilience and sustainability into Barnardos. Renewable energy saves us money, reduces our carbon footprint, and demonstrates an actionable contribution to achieving decarbonisation, which is essential for a liveable planet for generations to come. By continuing to take positive actions across the entire organisation and maintaining accountability, Barnardos can work towards a brighter future for all.