Join in the festive fun at Christmas
in Pyrmont
The annual street fair will be held on
Sunday 24 November 2024

Event details
Sunday 24 November 2024
This year Christmas In Pyrmont is on from 10am – 4pm in Refinery Square, Bowman Street.
We will again have a great range of food and product stalls and a full entertainment program
that you won’t want to miss.
Refinery Square, Bowman Street, Pyrmont NSW 2009.
Christmas in Pyrmont is an annual street fair, organised by local Pyrmont and Ultimo residents.
We welcome you to celebrate the festive season and to join in with the local community. There will be live music, face painting and crafts for kids, fun and fitness activities for all ages to get involved. Santa and the fire engine will be present too! It’s a good time to get some early Christmas gifts and goodies.
Be sure to put the date in your diary and tell all your friends!

Would you like to be involved in the event that celebrates the festive season and promotes the sense of community, whilst raising funds and awareness for local charities?
We need volunteers to assist us in making this event run smoothly for the children! Activities like face painting, card decorating, cookie decorating will require support, in addition to set up and pack down.
Volunteers require a Working with Children Check for this event.
Please email Isabella Armstrong iarmstrong@barnardos.org.au for more details and to register to volunteer.