
Our forever family

Adoption gave Jade and Michael
the chance to start their own family and Barnardos is honoured to have played a role in making this happen.

A chance for a new start

Stock image. Models used for illustrative purposes to protect privacy.

Jade* and Michael* always wanted to have children but struggled with infertility for many years. Adoption seemed like the natural choice, giving them the opportunity to expand their family by providing a safe, loving and permanent home for children in need.

Siblings Stephanie* and Daniel* were placed in the care of Jade and Michael, while their two younger siblings, Andrew* and Owen*, were placed with another local foster care family. The four children had been assumed into care and had sadly experienced multiple placements before finding stability with their new families through Barnardos.

From the moment Jade and Michael met Stephanie and Daniel, they began to build a close relationship together. The children would call them Aunty and Uncle, feeling comfortable and connected to their new carers. Coming from large families themselves, Jade and Michael were committed to keeping the children in touch with their younger brothers. With support from their Barnardos Case Manager, they worked with the other foster care family to frequently visit each other’s homes for dinner or play dates and even organised weekend getaways. Both sets of carers were quick to embrace all the children and each other, knowing this was the best way to help the children feel secure and loved.

After being in out-of-home care, adoption orders were soon granted by the Supreme Court for the four children to their respective carers. Stephanie, aged 13, was delighted to give consent to her own adoption as all children over the age of 12 have the right to do. Although the children joined different families, they knew their lifelong connection to each other, as well as their birth family, would always be with them.

Jade and Michael were elated that finally, the children were a permanent part of their family. Giving Stephanie and Daniel a safe place to call home, where they could grow up to become the best versions of themselves, was all they ever wanted. Adoption gave Jade and Michael the chance to start their own family and Barnardos
is honoured to have played a role in making this happen.

Open adoption at Barnardos

For non-Aboriginal children whom the court has ruled cannot safely return home, open adoption provides security and belonging for life. The adopted child becomes a legal member of the adoptive family through a formal court process, whilst still maintaining contact with their birth family.

Having “openness” around their adoption means children know who they are and where they come from. This openness, knowledge, and understanding helps adopted children to form a healthy sense of identity and belonging, which is essential for their emotional, intellectual, and physical development.

Open adoption also means the child is no longer part of the foster care system.